Friday, May 08, 2009

The end of a Grand Era

Stella, the great Escapist!

Almost a year ago, Stella figured out how to climb out of her crib. We quickly slurged on a $80.00 crib tent in order to continue to contain her a few months longer. We censored any references that suggested entrappment. We renamed it a more positive "princess bed." This had a lulling effect for about six wonderful months of sleepfilled nights. HOWEVER! The other day, I heard her upstairs during her nap. Somehow from within the tent, she pushed her entire crib to the door of her room in order to get out. This is one determined (and inventive) little girl.

I am most convinced now that we have only a limited number of lingering days of solid containment. The tent with its twenty safety pins can not hold her insurgency for long.

She is forever the great escapist!


Kate and Blake plus 3 said...

I live in fear of the day that Emma realizes she can escape from the "tent". Yikes.

Kaerlig said...

I have to say guys that she IS turning three. Maybe it's time?


Pretty impressive (even if she is turning three) that she did push her bed from INSIDE the tent! I love that little spunky girl!

Anonymous said...

Its pretty interesting story.
I believe you will come through good decision.
She will be great forever!..

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