Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kids and the Crazy

Christmas came early this year in the form of red and green crayons intermingling with the clothes I placed in the dryer last night. I thought that I was doing well when I threw in a load of darks including some shirts and slacks that I needed to wear for secondary interviews I am holding today. I even removed a pack of pink Bubble Tape that I found in Sam’s shorts thinking to myself, “glad I caught that!”

So this morning you can imagine what I found. My enjoyment was enhanced when someone at work pointed out that I was wearing the same clothes that I wore yesterday.


My brother Dave outfitted me with a new helmet to wear while cruising on my resurrected Vespa. Sam really likes my helmet and tried it on yesterday. I watched him go outside to sit on the scooter to take a pretend ride. The next morning there were several scratches on the glossy black finish. So I asked him what happened and he told me that he tested it out on the patio by banging his helmet covered head on the cement. He proudly informed me that his extensive field tests and research concluded that the helmet works.

You would think that these things would be a source of frustration and maybe for a second they are. But I think that it is a beautiful thing to have kids and an old house. I am 100% sure that when our kids are gone the first thing that I will miss is the chaos they bring. Permanent marker on the wall, dried food on the floor, broken everything.

A few month ago the cabinet guy asked what sort of finish we would like on our doors. My response was simple, “can you hit them and scratch them to camouflage what our kids will do to them anyway?”

His reply, “there’s a style for that, its called distressed.”


rusted sun said...

I think it is sweet that Sam wanted to make sure your helmet would stand up in a crash. He is looking out for you. Plus the thought of him banging his head against the cement is pretty funny.

Hurtado Family said...

Yeah I agree and who cares if material possessions don't look great. Kids are "di Beiyst".


Only little boys think up "crash tests" like that. That's hilarious.

runnergirl said...

I have the perfect concotion for getting melted crayons out of clothes. Let me know if you want it.

erin said...

beautiful tom. and you new cabinets look great, distressed and all. love you guys.

Kaerlig said...

Tom, love this post. Especially the name for the finish that can take a beating from kids "distressed".