Thursday, March 29, 2007


"Unlike those sports where you have to grit your teeth and go for it, skydiving is just the opposite. In order to excel you have to concentrate on relaxing, being calm and smooth. It's so hard not to try. But once you get your wings (learn to fly without thinking -- just like walking) it's the greatest feeling in the world, a sense of real accomplishment." Discover Your Voice, Oren Brown.


David said...

Who is Oren Brown? Is that a picture of you skydiving, or a photoshop job, or just somebody that looks like you? I can't tell. So many questions.

rusted sun said...

remember when you used to post on your blog????

rusted sun said...

I miss seeing new pictures and hearing stories about Sam and Stellie!!!!!

rusted sun said...

Sammy told me I could see photos of his Father/Son camp-out on his blog....